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阳光采招网>资讯中心> 第三届上海国际光学镜头、摄像模组暨指纹、虹膜识别展览会


来源:    发布时间:2016-10-26

“第三届上海国际光学镜头、摄像模组暨指纹、虹膜识别展览会”简称 LCA CHINA,是成像与识别技术亚洲第一展,已连续于华东和华南巡展并成功举 办了两届。LCA CHINA 以强大的中国市场需求为依托,立足于成像+识别技术产品应用及市场拓展,为中国乃至亚太地区打造光学镜头、摄像模组、指纹 识别、虹膜识别、蓝宝石等产品、技术、资讯、市场及服务的年度最大行业盛会。       随着智能硬件设备的完善和相应技术的发展,摄像头从拍照到智能交互,成为了连接人和世界信息的重要入口,引领着我们迈向更加智能的未来。摄 像头被赋予的功能也催生了一系列具有创造力的应用,成为解密信息的钥匙就是其中之一。当前,以图像识别为中枢的技术正在引领不同领域创新浪潮, 如基于以图像识别匹配原理生成的指纹&虹膜识别等形成新一轮重大的技术竞争,并触发新的应用与推动智能终端产业发展。LCA CHINA 将面向智能手 机、平板电脑、数码相机、智能电视、智能穿戴、投影、车载、安防监控、智能家居、医疗,无人机、虚拟现实等智能终端产品,全方位展示光学镜头、 摄像模组、指纹识别、虹膜识别、蓝宝石等产品及相关制造工艺、组装、检测及加工技术的专业技术大展,为业界搭建一个中国乃至亚洲在设计开发、贸 易合作、产品采购和技术交流等最大商贸信息交流平台!       承前启后,LCA CHINA 2016 再次定于上海举办,诚邀新老朋友共谱新华章!

“The 3nd Shanghai International Optical Lens, Camera Module & Fingerprint, iris recognition Expo” (Short for LCA CHINA ) is invented in Asia in the field of Imaging + technology of recognition, which was successfully held in Shanghai and Guangzhou in the past two years.  Based on the large demand in China’s market, LCA CHINA stands on the market of Imaging & technology of regnision, organises a largest annual exhibition in Asia for optical lens, camera module, Fingerprint recognition, Iris recognition, Sapphire etc With the improvement of the intelligent hardware devices and the development of corresponding technology, camera can be used from taking pictures to intelligent interaction, has become an important entrance to connect people and the world's information, leading us towards a more intelligent world in the future. At present, cameras’ functions are being given rise to a series of creative applications, such as fingerprint & iris recognition, which form a new round of major technological competition and Trigger a new application and promoting of intelligent terminal industry’ s development. LCA CHINA will face to smartphones, tablets, digital cameras, smart TV, smart wear, projection, automotive, security monitoring, intelligent home, medicalequipment, unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs) and virtual reality, fully display optical lens, camera module, fingerprint recognition, Iris recognition, Sapphire and the relative manufacturing process, assembly, testing and processing technology. LCA CHINA will fom a biggest platform for designing, trade cooperation, product procurement and technical exchanges in China or even in Asia. All in all, LCA CHINA 2016 will be held in Shanghai, LCA CHINA sincerely invite our new and old friends to write a new glorious chapter together!

LCA CHINA已连续于华东&华南巡展两届并成功举办,共吸引了来自中国(含台湾、香港)、日本、韩国 、美国、德国、新加坡、芬兰、荷兰等十几个国家 达200多家行业相关制造商参加,大会共接待来自业界及智能终端制造商观众超过9,000人次到场观展。品牌买家代表企业如:Apple、Samsung、LG、 Sony、Sharp、华为、中兴、TCL、康佳、宇龙、小米、金立、OPPO、联想、格力、蓝魔、基伍、西门子、微软、谷歌、智科、佳能、松下、尼康、霍 尼韦尔、龙旗、盛本、华勤、希姆、一汽大众、丰田、广汽集团、辉创、海康威视、富士康、光宝、致伸、群光、欧菲光、舜宇、信利、歌尔声学、楼 氏、共达、豪恩等在内的行业买家都如期而至现场参观。

LCA CHINA were successfully held in Eastern China and Southern China respectively in the past two years, LCA CHINA  attracted over 200 exhibitors from the China mainland, HK, TW, Japan, South Korea, America, German, Singapore, Finland and Netherlands and over 9000 visitors from the relative industries and Intelligent terminal manufacturers. Such as: Apple, Samsung, LG, Sony, Sharp, Huawei, ZTE, TCL, Konka, Yulong, Xiaomi, Gionne, OPPO, Lenovo, Gree, Ramos, Kivu, Siemens, Microsoft, Google, Zike , Canon, Panasonic, Nikon, Honeywell, Longcheer, Longcheer, Huaqin, Chim, Faw Volkswagen, Toyota, Guangzhou automobile group, Fai gen, Hikvision, Foxconn, Lite-on, Stretch, Chicony, O-film, ShunYu, Truly, GoerTek, Knowles, Gongda, Horne.

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